Wednesday, March 4, 2009

drum roll please....

(from mermag)

my muses (or lucky winners :)):

The lovely and talented Kate Horowitz:

and the darling and strong Randi Arnold (and family).

Thanks gals! Hope you enjoy your portraits!


  1. FanTAStic. I'm totally commissioning you to do my family as soon as you start offering them!

    Beautiful work!


  2. these turned out beautifully!!

  3. It's so so so lovely. Thanks again!

  4. Mer, it is so fun to see your AMAZING work! I was showing my daughter your illustrations and the books you have done and she thought that was so cool! She can't wait to go and get some more of the books you have worked on. We love the portraits you have done. Elena said to me, do you think she would do a picture of me? I told her maybe sometime we could have her do one of you! We totally need to hook up sometime. Lemuel has family in Pasdena so we head that way every once in a while. It would be a lot of fun to see you! You are so TALENTED!

  5. thank you all for your kind comments. Jessica-your daughter is so sweet. Let me know when you are coming this way and we'll have to hook up.
