Thursday, October 2, 2008

Help Ellery pick a Halloween costume

So I felt it was time I do another digital paper (I've been a paper doll fanatic ever since I was a girl). Meet Ellery who needs your help in choosing what to wear for Hallween. She's not entirely programmed so I'll give you the heads up as to when she's ready but I couldn't help but give you a preview now. Stay tuned.


  1. I dont know you, but just found your site because of the ADORABLE Princess Peepers! :)
    SO cute! I love your art style!
    I just bought one for my little girl, and showed my mom your site too (she works at a library) and she loves your stuff too!
    Wish I was talented!! :)

  2. thanks Jes! I'm so happy you got the book. Hope your little one likes it.

  3. Your work is *so* inspiring. Just lovely!
