Monday, June 9, 2008

Princess Peepers update

The book cover for Princess Peepers is now up on on Amazon with a "search inside" option. Check it out! There will be some fun glittery glasses on the actual cover version. I just can't wait!I also just received the Marshall Cavendish Children's Books, Fall 2008 catalog in the mail today and was so delighted to see the spread on Princess Peepers! I'm out of this world excited for this book to come out. Everyone mark your calendars for September as your little girls will be needing glittery glasses and pink poofy dresses so be prepared :).


  1. That's absolutely glorious! Like so many of your covers!
    -A big fan

  2. Oh my gosh...I am so excited. That looks gorgeous, as expected.

    So awesome.

  3. My daughter (4 yr old with glasses) LOVES this book and her favorite part is the illustrations.

    They are so fun. I'm way older than 4 and I adore them too!!!!
