Saturday, June 28, 2008

sketch of the day

Spending time with family, drawing the nieces.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Princess Peepers update

The book cover for Princess Peepers is now up on on Amazon with a "search inside" option. Check it out! There will be some fun glittery glasses on the actual cover version. I just can't wait!I also just received the Marshall Cavendish Children's Books, Fall 2008 catalog in the mail today and was so delighted to see the spread on Princess Peepers! I'm out of this world excited for this book to come out. Everyone mark your calendars for September as your little girls will be needing glittery glasses and pink poofy dresses so be prepared :).

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Four new Jake Maddox books

Four more Jake Maddox books that I have illustrated (interiors as well as the cover) are up on Amazon for pre-order. What fun!

This is what it's all about

I have to give big thanks to all the younger folks who came out to the festival. This is really what this business is about for me and when a young boy or girl is delighted by my work I feel like I have really succeeded. I read the sweetest thing from blogger Tales from a Domestic Diva about how much she and her daughter enjoyed my work and the festival. Thanks so much Becky and Heather! It's people like you who make this job the best ever.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New, updated website!

Finally, after far too long I have updated my website! It's not completely finished (I still need to add a lot of images and information) but this gives you an idea at least. Take a look at it here.