Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sketch of the Day

I did this sketch for a painting that I eventualy want to go over my living room couch. I think it ended up looking a bit like my younger sister, Lorajean. I've named her Lola.


  1. um...so i got all excited cause i saw one of the books you illustrated in Target! just wanted to let you know how cool you are!

  2. oh this drawing is so nice !Since i started blogging all those beautiful things i see made me want to give " drawing " a go , am not really good at it but am trying, it surely makes me appreciate so much more the skills of other artists like you that do a great job !

  3. Mer, I lOve this!
    you are total getting the Lj look with this face!
    I see my little sis the one I baby sat and was a roomie with in that drawing!
