OK, so I've been dying to share this story with you all for some time. It's been out since Aug. 30th but I've been so swamped with new illustration work that I haven't had the time to sit down and promote this title properly. I also recently received several copies of the book when I saw it finished, first hand for the first time. I just couldn't stop looking at it! Mostly because I just can't believe it's actually finished...and in print!
Lucky for me the fabulous Catherine Johnson, writer and owner of
Wonderbook Press, is behind this book and is on the ball. She has told so much about the making of this story (particularly the writing and publishing end of it) and her journey is worth reading about
here on her
blog. This book has been an incredible journey for me as well...and I truly feel like Libby Boom is a part of me. I love her. I love her story...and I know you will too.
Libby boom's tale can be purchased on
Amazon or at
Deseret Book (where it is currently on sale for 10% off!). If you are interested in having a signed, personal copy sent to you, please feel free to contact me via email, tuesday[at]tmourning.com, and we can work something out with shipping, etc.
For those of you in the Salt Lake area, Catherine is doing a
signing this Saturday, Oct. 2nd, at
Deseret Book in their downtown Salt Lake store. Definitely stop by and have her sign a copy or two for you and your friends. In fact...if the stars align...perhaps I'll try to make it out there as well! Now there's a plan in the works!